If the moisture form in vapour in the air is undesirable, it causes mold, rot and rust. This situation can be prevented by humidity control.
The ideal humidity rate recommended for human health is 45-55%. Moisture levels outside these values affect negatively.human health and quality of life.
HyDry Air absorbs 1000 m3 of air per hour and has the capacity to take 2.5 liters of water.
You can control the humidity that can occur in production, packaging, storage, display and many other areas with HyDry Air,
5-30% in the plastic industry
15-45% in the pharmaceutical and chemical industry
35-45% in books and paper archives
20-35% in dry food stores
25-35% for drying process
35-45% during food packaging
<40% to prevent rust
20-40% for painting and bonding
45-55% in moist food stores
<60% to avoid mold growth in the environment
HyDry Air Usage Areas
Indoor pools – thermal facilities
Pharmacies, medical production areas
Food production, packaging and storage areas
Libraries, museums, archives
Painting, sandblasting and coating workshops
Drying and bonding areas
HyDry Air Specifications
45% Rh
30 C80% Rh
Voltage : 220-240 / 50 Hz
Power : 1350 W
Air Flow : 1000 m3/
Size : 495x405x1100 mm
Please contact for detailed information.